19 April 2020

Hello, Hugo.

A clean slate.

I’ve been wanting to revamp this whole site for quite a while now, and it’s finally happened. The first commit for this iteration was made on September 24, 2018 and after an initial few days’ worth of work it basically stagnated until today.

So here’s what we have now: Hugo hosted on GitHub Pages, replacing Jekyll hosted on a DigitalOcean box. Deploying is running a script locally, whereas previously it was pushing to a repository and having a Git hook fire off to trigger Jekyll on the VPS to rebuild. I didn’t have a good way of reproducing that set-up if it ever went down permanently since I’d set it up all manually, and I didn’t like how Jekyll made my website feel like an entire Ruby project - I had to track .ruby-version and Gemfile just to be able to set it up again reliably.

(And go through an entire install rbenv, rbenv install, gem install bundler, bundle install cycle first as well.)

This time around deploying is just running a script (provided in the Hugo docs, even) locally, and it fits in source control alongside the content. There isn’t anything to worry about dependency-wise, too, since Hugo’s just a single binary.

It’s kind of fitting that, just as I started with Ruby and eventually transitioned to Go while at work, my personal site’s done the same.

There’re no analytics of my own (I’m not sure what if anything GitHub has on their side), and hence no JavaScript of any sort. The CSS for this is a whole lot simpler too, since we’re not doing the adaptive sidebar thing any more.

We’ve also finally gotten HTTPS and a Favicon.

Let’s see how this goes.